Sunday, October 3, 2010

The ourPlan...

It all started when Hez came back from NY as a spokesman for Mac.


Perla: Morning Hez.
Hez: iPad.
David: Are you ok?
Hez: iPad?
Perla: Really...
Hez: iPaaaaaad...
David: I'm going to go get a sandwich.
Hez: iWant!

Ok so maybe not QUITE like that, but almost.

Apparently everyone at the record label used them. They had their contracts built in and all these ace business applications.
... Not to mention that he used his finger to write his name.

Of course,
Hez felt compelled to let us know these facts...

I guess you could say, it was love at first sign.

He even changed his Blackberry's standard e-mail message, 'Sent from Blackberry' to 'Sent from iPad.' (This is the part where everyone goes "Awwwwwwww...")

How can one NOT get him an iPad at this point? Especially as his birthday approached!

So... ourPlan for the iPad came into effect.

-Operation iPlan- LOL

I remember sitting outside in the lobby, with David on the couch in front of me. Both of us with the same idea but unsure of how to approach it.

We wanted to include his friends. Not so much for the monetary value, although it was appreciated 100 fold! But more for the sentimental one. Which for Hez, outweighs ALL else.

So... we came to the conclusion to e-mail his friends!

We'd gather what we could, then put in the rest... Easy right?

TWIST! It wasn't.

Can I just say, I'm as jank at planning social events & asking for money as David is good at being a hustler... (He'll blog about that later.)

But in the end!... It all came together thanks to. E V E R Y O N E. who helped and supported one way or another!

To conclude this long post,

I was talking to Crystal who practically was my personal glue to the operation, and I remember just saying, "This could have been so much harder, people really care, they want to do this for him... I don't know why." ;)

Hez really is blessed, he has loyal and loving friends, and that's probably the best gift any 23 year old could ask for... That... and a pony.

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