Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't mess with TEXAS

Hey Guys, it's Hez
(David is squeezing lemons right now LOL we're making ceviche for our hosts.)

Man, are we excited to be in Houston,Texas!
The weather is great and we've been visiting some beautiful spots scouting for this photo shoot.

Anyway, everything is bigger over here, Including our newest ideas!
The reason we are here is not for the BBQ... although, it was 45-50% ;)

We came to photograph
Noemi Prado!
(Wife of our friend, and renown producer, Robert Prado Jr.)
She will be launching her First FULL LENGTH Album, early 2011.

We immediately began the planning phase!
During our image consultation,
we were privileged with a private hearing of her new album...
I was blown away!
NO ONE out in our Spanish christian community has this distinct sound!

Let's go through some history to better explain:
*Clears Throat* EHEM...
Noemi was born in Sabadell-Barcelona Spain. She grew up half gypsy!
And aside from being one of the most anointed singers we've met, her vocals and music; a flamenco pop rock mix,
has completely set a new standard!

The flamenco part get's me the most excited. Why? Oh, I don't know... MAYBE because it's ONLY one of my favorite genres OF ALL TIME!

I grew up listening to Niña Pastori, Ketama, Lola Flores, Tomatito, Camaron & Paco de Lucia....
(Am I dating myself?) LOL

Wardrobe wise, it was important for me to make sure that whatever direction we took, we stayed faithful to her roots
and just emphasized that colorful culture.
Every look we came up with has some sort of Spanish influence. Bright colors, rich fabrics, and unique accessories.
It's going to be one cluster of creative culture! LOL

As we finished up, I convince her to sing a flamenco
"corito" and she allowed me to record it.
Robert picked up the Guitar and she just started singing...
I hope it's as great a treat for you as it was for David and I.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Now THIS Is What I Call A Birthday!

I haven’t had a chance to sit down and think about all the amazing things that have happened this year for my birthday....

Time definitely goes by faster now, and I’m not gonna lie… I never thought I'd see the day when I had to literally count backwards to remember the year I was born. LOL

Around 10:00 pm on the 28th I started receiving text messages and phone calls from friends trying to be the first ones to wish me a happy birthday!
The "I SAID Happy Birthday FIRST" AWARD goes to Ms. Tinu Diaz! Love Her!

Of course by midnight, my phone was having spasms with all the calls and txt messages I received.

It just reminded me how lucky I am to have all these people in my life.

By 8 am the next day, Facebook couldn't even keep track of all the notifications, and it took me about 30 minutes to read all my emails! I'm not going to lie. I felt loved! And it felt great! LOL

I mean, I knew Perls and David were planning something because two days earlier I'd received an email from David with the names of all my closest friends titled, "These People Can do it". Only later did I learn what it was really for, because when I asked him, he confessed to a SECRET PARTY… of course I was like, "Well, so much for that!". They told me they were planning it and to just relax, so there was going to be no surprise.

I wasn't looking forward to this birthday, let's face it. NO ONE LIKES GETTING OLDER, and by no one, I mean ME.

That day, we'd been swamped since the morning (praise God) that I was just looking forward to a quiet lunch with David, Perls, and my moms “gelatina de leche”.

When Perls and David came to my house to pick me up, they didn't come alone… they surprised me with some amazing gifts! I got some sick TOMS and new arrival CHUCKS. They said they wanted me to be stylish but I think it's cause they hated the green chucks that I just can't seem to part with! (Ok, COME ON GUYS! You know what I'm talking about. You've got those one pair of “Chanclas” that are beat up and torn but you love them, they've been supportive and have carried you through it all… literally)

Anyways, they gave me some special edition Jack Parcell shoes and a new golfers hat! I mean if there is a sport I think I can play, it's golf. I kill the Boomers kiddy golf course. THATS RIGHT.

Honestly, with those simple things, to me, my birthday felt complete. I mean, I was at our beautiful office, working along side my best friends, with my phone vibrating every which way and Facebook notifying me every other minute about a new well wisher! I was smiling so much that one of my cheeks got a cramp! NO LIE!

While we worked, the guys said, "Surprise! Not really, but we were going to have a dinner with couple of friends @ Phil’s BBQ." I didn’t care if I knew already! They had me at dinner. LOL

I took a shower put on my new PARCELL’s and headed out with David to Phil’s. When I got there I was surprise to see people I wouldn't have expected to see! Who came just for me!…man I felt so happy!
We had an amazing meal…I ate half a cow, Ms. Lucia made me some delicious cupcakes, and I even got my own birthday song sung by Bishop Adisa!

AND Just when I thought it was all over and done…
They brought out another Nordstrom bag… I was like man, they bought me a cologne set or something cause it was a bit heavy …. and THEN IT HAPPENED!!!! What iHad been dreaming of for the last 2 months 3 days 32 minutes and 16 seconds, iSaw it… an iPAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. I was holding back the river of tears so hard that I felt like I was drowning in my head. LOL

I got ALL emotional. My friends and family gathered together to get me an iPad…

I was so overwhelmed and asked David how hard it was to gather everything and he told me something that completely humbled me but at the same time filled me with joy…”Everyone wanted to be part of it…they love you.”

People will always come and go…some friends for a particular season, others will be regardless of time and space. I feel fortune, blessed… Im living my dream and surrounded by people who love me unconditionally, fueling all my crazy dreams with their support and prayer. I’m a grateful man!

So I am going to take this time and thank you all for your wonderful messages…. I read every single one! And I will respond to them all personally (eventually).

To those who were part of the iPad Plan! THANK YOU! I WILL EMAIL YOU from it soon! Hahaha!

iPad for Poncho Participants:
Jeremy & Crystal Tovar
Perla Nation
J. David Aguilar
Steve & Lisa Marron
Victor & Liz Duarte
Olie & Ivette Perez
Mimis Suarez
Pastor Gabriel & Anna Beas
Gabriela Montiel
Sammy & Nicole Felix
David Padilla
Azalea Velez
Abel Zatarain
Jorge & Jamie Hernandez
Erick Aguilar
Isaac Nerey
Iris Flores
George Pena
Rony Varela
My Brother in law & Sis.
Montse Lopez
David and Ismerai Dominguez
AJ Guillen & Kingspin Music Group
David & Rosa Aguilar
Yamileth Ramos
David & Lucia Davidson
Andy Lopez

Here is PROOF, I Cried:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The ourPlan...

It all started when Hez came back from NY as a spokesman for Mac.


Perla: Morning Hez.
Hez: iPad.
David: Are you ok?
Hez: iPad?
Perla: Really...
Hez: iPaaaaaad...
David: I'm going to go get a sandwich.
Hez: iWant!

Ok so maybe not QUITE like that, but almost.

Apparently everyone at the record label used them. They had their contracts built in and all these ace business applications.
... Not to mention that he used his finger to write his name.

Of course,
Hez felt compelled to let us know these facts...

I guess you could say, it was love at first sign.

He even changed his Blackberry's standard e-mail message, 'Sent from Blackberry' to 'Sent from iPad.' (This is the part where everyone goes "Awwwwwwww...")

How can one NOT get him an iPad at this point? Especially as his birthday approached!

So... ourPlan for the iPad came into effect.

-Operation iPlan- LOL

I remember sitting outside in the lobby, with David on the couch in front of me. Both of us with the same idea but unsure of how to approach it.

We wanted to include his friends. Not so much for the monetary value, although it was appreciated 100 fold! But more for the sentimental one. Which for Hez, outweighs ALL else.

So... we came to the conclusion to e-mail his friends!

We'd gather what we could, then put in the rest... Easy right?

TWIST! It wasn't.

Can I just say, I'm as jank at planning social events & asking for money as David is good at being a hustler... (He'll blog about that later.)

But in the end!... It all came together thanks to. E V E R Y O N E. who helped and supported one way or another!

To conclude this long post,

I was talking to Crystal who practically was my personal glue to the operation, and I remember just saying, "This could have been so much harder, people really care, they want to do this for him... I don't know why." ;)

Hez really is blessed, he has loyal and loving friends, and that's probably the best gift any 23 year old could ask for... That... and a pony.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Run-IN with the LAW...

This, is David...
and TODAY... was a hard day for the city of San Diego.

So I walked outside all pissed cus Poncho made me lie about his age.
And as I'm walking out there I see one of those 'City of San Diego Public Workers' with his little golf cart writing out a ticket for the car.

So I'm like, "What the heck?" and I run over.
Here are the events EXACTLY the way they happened...

ME: Dude, don't give me a ticket let me move it. I'm right here.
Guy: No, I already gave you a ticket.
(he closes his little book)
ME: Come on, give me a chance I'll move it right now.
Guy: No sir, I already made the ticket, you need to move it.
(he points to the ticket all crooked on the window)
ME: Well, then there is no point in moving it anymore! Since you gave me the ticket, I'm not going to move it.
Guy: You HAVE to move it.
ME: I'm not going to move it you already gave me a ticket.
(So I grab the ticket and I like, arrange it nicer and put it back on the cars windshield) Take away the ticket and ill take away the car.
Guy: Oh I cant take away the ticket, but you still have to take away the car.
ME: There's no point in me moving it unless you take it back, I'm not going to move it.
Guy: You need to move it.
ME: You need me to move it you know what to do.
Guy: FINE. DO whatever you want!

And he got into his little car and stepped on it all mad, but it didn't work cuz two minutes later I could still see him trying to "speed" up the hill with that little car.

An hour later, Perla and I were in the Lobby and we see the little sweeper car come by and have to move around the car. LOL

Hez & Co. Goes Public!

Dear Public,

As I sat in the office just a while ago, researching the consensual perception of company impact *blah blah Insert random noise here.*

I had A R E V E L A T I O N!

NO ONE… Had turned on the AC.

I mean really? It’s 109 outside people.

(Can I just say this is ridiculous, Fall is such a poser this year.)

Anyway, as I walked to the thermostat, I realized, the principle is simple!

Relationships are the base, the most fundamental impact…

So we are going public to the public! With our new (old) Hez & Co. Blog!

Yes, you read right! I said WE!.

It won't be just me, (perla nation) updating, but THE ENTIRE TEAM!

We'll be writing about current projects, daily stories, fashion, make-up, design tips, even culture and psychology... SO basically, you don't have to go to school anymore, just read our blog! (For legal reasons we are obligated to say: That was a joke.) Anyway, LOL Feel free to follow our blog through twitter, facebook, or blogger itself!

SO… let’s make a short recap:

THIS is the OFFICIAL HEZ & CO. Creative Agency BLOG.